Favorite Christmas Songs

Play 8 Holiday Treasures with Sound-alike CD Tracks
Violin Play-Along Volume 32

Favorite Christmas Songs, Viol (+CD) (0)
Type de produit:
Partition, CD playback
№ d’article:
Dimensions :
16 pages; 23 × 30,5 cm
Date de parution:
Éditions / Producteur:
№ de fabricant:


The Violin Play-Along Series will help you play your favorite songs quickly and easily. Just follow the music, listen to the CD to hear how the violin should sound, and then play along using the separate backing tracks.

With the melody and lyrics included in the book, you may also choose to sing along. Chord symbols are provided should you wish to elaborate on the melody. The audio CD is playable on any CD player. For PC and MAC computer users, the CD is enhanced so you can adjust the recording to any tempo without changing pitch!


  • Believe
  • Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
  • It's Beginning To Look Like Christmas
  • Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
  • Sleigh Ride
  • Somewhere In My Memory
  • Walking In The Air
  • Winter Wonderland
18,99  €
Prêt à être expédié. Délai de livraison : 2–5 jours ouvrables (Luxembourg)
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