The Great Christmas Emoji Quiz

by Stephanie Hanf and Florian Boberski (24.12.2023)


We have visualised the titles of 24 Christmas carols here as a series of emojis. Do you recognise them all?

Have fun puzzling!

More riddles of this type, including a raffle, can be found in our newsletter. Find out all about the Stretta Letter here!

Christmas Carols 1 – 12
Christmas Carols 13 – 24

Quiz for downloading and printing


The titles are:

  1. White Christmas
  2. O Tannenbaum / O Christmas Tree
  3. I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
  4. Les Enfants de Noël - Petit Papa Noël
  5. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  6. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
  7. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen / Dans une étable obscure
  8. Little Drummer Boy
  9. Stille Nacht / Silent Night, Holy Night
  10. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
  11. O kerstnacht schoner dan de dagen
  12. Jingle Bells
  13. Leise rieselt der Schnee
  14. I Saw Three Ships
  15. O du fröhliche, o du seelige
  16. Stop the Cavalry
  17. Tu scendi dalle stelle
  18. Santa Baby
  19. Feliz Navidad
  20. Räven raskar över isen
  21. Joy to the World
  22. Les anges dans nos campagnes / Seht ihr unsern Stern dort stehen
  23. Frosty the Snowman
  24. Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
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